Škofja Loka fundraising for Matic
In Škofja Loka, Matic Žontar has a very rare disease, for which a cure was discovered in the USA last year. EUR 3.2 million must be raised for it. A fundraising drive is currently underway to ensure Matic can avail of this cure.
Douzelage founder steps down from Sherborne committee
Jeremy Barker, one of the founding fathers of the Douzelage European Town Twinning organisation has stepped down as...
Invite to be Irish on St Patrick’s Day in 2025!
The annual national Irish holiday of St Patrick's Day will take place on Monday March 17th 2025 across the emerald...
Participants sought for Preveza International Choral Festival
The 43rd Preveza International Choral Festival will take place in the Greek town from July 10th-13th 2025. Is it time...
Music friendship between the cities of Sušice and Holstebro
In June 2024, the Douzelage Young Musicians Festival took place in Sušice, Czech Republic. It was also attended by...
UK and Ireland to experience Škofja Loka this Christmas!
TV viewers in the UK and Ireland will get to experience a taste of our Slovenian partner town of Škofja Loka this...
Discover Rokiškis: 10 Must-Visit Attractions
Discover Rokiškis: 10 Must-Visit Attractions1. Painted Shutters StreetEmbark on a vibrant journey along Painted...
Rokiškis 525 Celebrations
Our partner town of Rokiškis, Lithuania recently celebrated their 525th anniversary of foundation. Here are some images from the weekend’s activities!
Birthday celebrations Lithuania style
Douzelage partner town Rokiškis marked its 525th anniversary with a huge cross border and pan European celebration of...
Dates announced for Preveza GM
The Douzelage General Meeting to take place in Preveza, Greece will happen from Thursday 16th to Sunday 19th October...
Music unites Douzelage partners in Susice!
Music unites Douzelage Partners in Susice!The hills of the Czech Republic were alive with the sound of music this past...
New Douzelage President and Board Elected
New Douzelage President and Board ElectedA new president and vice presidential team has been installed to lead the...
Young Musician’s Festival 2024
The first Young Musician’s Festival to be held since 2019 happened in Sušice, Czech Republic at the end of June 2024. Musicians from 6 towns took part.
Pfingstfest 2024, Bad Kötzting
The annual Pfingstfest took place in our German partner town of Bad Kötzting where Douzelage delegates took part in the parade and enjoyed the celebrations!
Successful 48th General Meeting in Sherborne
Successful 48th General Meeting in Sherborne, UKThe much anticipated 48th General Meeting of the Douzelage took place...
48th General Meeting, Sherborne UK
The 48th Douzelage General Meeting took place in historic Sherborne in the United Kingdom with the theme of Nature & Well Being from April 11th – 14th 2024.
Douzelage Totem erected in Niederanven!
On Saturday March 23rd Niederanven organized a Benelux meeting with Houffalize and Meerssen. The crown on this day was...
Belgian Beer for Saint Patrick
This year Houffalize thought of a very special way to celebrate St Patrick's Day. At the end of the St Patrick's march...
Sherborne theme announced for 48th GM
The 48th General Meeting of Douzelage will be organised by Sherborne in Dorset. Together with the youth the theme...
St Patrick’s Day 2024
Citizens of Douzelage towns visited our Irish partner town Bundoran for their annual St Patrick’s Day celebrations in March. Check out some images here!