Projects and activities are at the heart of Douzelage bringing together many of our partners for European projects under CERV or indeed small local cultural events organised by individual municpalities.

Music unites Douzelage partners in Susice!

Music unites Douzelage partners in Susice!

Music unites Douzelage Partners in Susice!The hills of the Czech Republic were alive with the sound of music this past weekend as young musicians from six of our partner towns came together for the 4th iteration of the Douzelage Young Musicians Festival in...

FPuP website now online!

FPuP website now online!

The project Free Press under Pressure of Douzelage Meerssen is now online with a dedicated website. The website contains all the toolkits created during the project which makes it easier to show the results and pass the word to family, friends, fellow students etc....

Free Press Under Pressure 2023

Free Press Under Pressure 2023

A large number of Douzelage member towns took part in the Free Press Under Pressure project supported by the EU in November 2023 in Maastricht, Netherlands.

Young adults work together for free press!

Young adults work together for free press!

Under the name "Free Press under Pressure" (FPuP) seventy young adults from 19 member states of the EU sought for ways to discern factual, verifiable news from disinformation and "fake news". The project was organised by Douzelage Meerssen in collaboration with Fontys...

Project “Road to Ukraine”

Project “Road to Ukraine”

The Presidency of Douzelage gathered in Siret for a meeting. From there we visited a town called Kamenets in Ukraine, 130 km from Siret, to see and feel what Douzelage can do to help the people there. We were warmly welcomed by the governor of this region, former...

Twelve towns for Douzelage Global Greening

Twelve towns for Douzelage Global Greening

12 of our partner towns (with 15 landmarks) turned green to mark the Irish national holiday St Patrick's Day last Wednesday! An initiative of Tourism Ireland, the Global Greening takes place every year and this year a record 700 sites across the globe participated....

A successful first ride along Via Douzelage

A successful first ride along Via Douzelage

Herman Langenveld, the initiator of Via Douzelage and a few enthousiastic and courageous others from Douzelage Meerssen, took the very first step by bicycling 320 km in 4 days through the Benelux countries. Starting point was Niederanven (Luxembourg). Jean Schiltz of...

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